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Nay's Hastings half marathon!

We are so proud of this one for running 13.1 miles in aid of The Fitness Support Network! What an incredible achievement and one Nay trained so hard for!! 3 years almost to the day that she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had some gruelling treatment that left her with side effects that she still deals with now, including mental health struggles that she’s always very honest about over on her page Instagram @meaftermycancer I cannot tell you how honoured I feel when someone says they want to raise money for this charity. It wouldn’t be possible to do this without your fundraisers and your donations. We have two new applications for gym memberships this week and this will see us put 7 people so far in a position where they can access physical activity for free while they learn to navigate a life affected by cancer. The scars, mental and physical, do not magically disappear after active treatment. The road is long and for some, the struggle is lifelong. Movement makes us feel alive, it encourages us to keep pressing forward and it reminds us that we can and we should. Thank you Nay for being an incredible charity ambassador and showing us all what testing our limits and self belief looks like! If you would like to donate to Nay’s efforts you can do so at the link in our bio and here:

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